10 things you can do to grow your client base today

10 things you can do to grow your client base today

1. Go to industry events.

Finding niche events that your key clients and candidates go to is a great way to get face time in a setting that isn’t forced.

Sometimes, client meetings can happen prematurely – so instead of wasting a client’s time, go to an event instead where you can meet them in a “softer” way – slightly more casual, and also allow them to put a face to a name.

2. Join industry-relevant social media groups.

Whether it’s WhatsApp, Slack, Discord, or LinkedIn – there are a ton of social media groups out there that are relevant to you.

Make sure you’re present and offering your input and advice. It’s all about offering long-term value beyond just recruitment.

3. Prioritise catch-up calls (and book them in)

I know I bang on about the power of a catch-up call, but how often are you checking in with clients with who you haven’t signed terms yet? Make it a priority!

4. Start a newsletter for your niche.

If I’m not solid proof that a newsletter works – I don’t know what else to tell you! It creates community, it allows you to have a regular touchpoint with a large group of people, and it allows you to showcase your value.

5. Simply just….ask (for more clients)

A good old-fashioned cold call, email, or LinkedIn message never hurt.

Some clients love a direct approach, so make sure that you’re mixing it up.

6. Start your very own podcast.

You will be surprised how effective this can be to generate clients & recruiters are perfectly positioned to start one.

Sometimes recruiters just need another reason to speak with people beyond the typical stuff – jobs, candidates etc.

A podcast is a great reason & a brilliant door opener.

I guarantee you that you will get way more “yesses” from potential clients if you reach out with “how interested would you be in being a guest on our podcast where we interview senior leaders in our space to educate & inspire future talent in our industry?”

7. Invest in your personal brand.

LinkedIn is every recruiter’s bread and butter, so if you’re still using it to just post jobs – you’re doing it all wrong.

Even if you post twice a month, it’s better than nothing.

Having a presence in the market enables you to build a name for yourself, thus making it easier to win clients.

8. Ask for an introduction a week.

Utilise your current network, ask for introductions, and make it a weekly habit to cultivate new client relationships.

9. Host your own events or roundtables.

If attending events becomes successful for you, start hosting your own.

They can be budget-friendly (often completely free if done virtually) and create a relaxed setting based on education and adding free value.

Networking is key.

10. Use your successful projects & partnerships to win new business.

If you haven’t put together some of your best-case studies then you’re missing a trick.

Clearly demonstrating how you have saved X business time & money can become some of your most valuable sales collateral.

Ensure you focus on demonstrating the problems you solved, the outcomes you achieved & start using these stats in your client outreach – it works.

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